Friday, June 24, 2022

SCOTUS 6/24/22 

Only the beginning. 
Full citizenship lost 
Without control over 
Our own bodies. 

The voters against us 
Will never be 11 or 12-year-old girls 
Not fully developed enough 
To carry and deliver safely. 
Will never be a victim forced 
To deliver a rapist’s baby. 
Trauma extended through a lifetime. 
Without relief. 

What might be next? 
Back to a time when 
A woman couldn’t get a credit card? 
A woman couldn’t own property 
In her own name? 
A woman couldn’t vote? 
Biology is not everything. 

What might be next? 
When will they come for 
A right you cherish?

(c) 2022 Victoria Lague

I originally posted this poem for Father's Day, 2021, in Facebook, and again in 2022, but I think I'm going to post here from now on instead. 

It's favorite poems of those I have written recently. If you like it, I would appreciate you're considering my book, Cloud Dreams, at Amazon. 

The Questions of Fathers

How do I celebrate today?
For the man who made me,
Frustrated with the me I was?
The man who made me,
Pleased with the me I could be?

How do I celebrate today?
For the man who denied my need to be me?
The man who filled a need he could see?
How do I celebrate today?
For the man who created an empty space?
The man who oft times filled it with grace?
Could the second have flourished without the first?

How do I celebrate today?
Should I reject the second benign and favor the first as mine?

I reject the first’s discouraging nay, yet accept my life as coming from him.
I treasure the second’s encouraging faith and assert my heart as thoroughly his.
He is the one I honor today:
The man who helped me find my way.

(c) 2022 Victoria Lague